Petra Neveceralova, PhD

Conservationist with a PhD in molecular ecology and a strong background in molecular genetics.
Passionate about cetology research with a specific focus on conservation.
Dedicated researcher with a proven track record of conducting fieldwork and collaborating with multidisciplinary teams.
Molecular biology:
- isolation and analysis of DNA/RNA from tissue/cells
- primer design
- molecular cloning
- DNA sequence analysis
- different types of cell transfection
Conservation genetics & molecular ecology:
- protocol optimisation for DNA isolation from variety of samples
- sampling design for population studies
- computational analysis of population genetic data
- basic data analysis in Python
Cell biology & microbiology:
- extensive cell culture experience (cell isolation from the tissue, primary cells, mammalian cell lines)
- production of transgenic lines
- light and fluorescence microscopy
- basic microbiology
- Biomedical Centre, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsner, Charles University
- South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI)
- Scottish Ocean Institute / University of St. Andrews
veterinary clinic Helion – volunteering as a vet technician, incl. surgery assistance
Dyer Island Cruises – volunteer in the research of southern right whales
Marine Dynamics – volunteer in the research of great white sharks
on request
publication record
Neveceralova, P., Soukup, V., Stundl, J., Stafford, J. K., & Hulva, P. (2025). From Blow to DNA: Citizen Science Advancing Genetic Research on Southern Right Whales. Conservation Genetics Resources. In press.
Brejcha, J., Eliasova, K., Bataller, J. V., Kleisner, K., Ctrnactova, L., Andueza, J. I., Andueza, J.I., Neveceralova, P., Alcayde, V. S., & Moravec, J. (2024). Population structure and plastron shape variability of European pond turtles (Emys orbicularis) in the Comunitat Valenciana, Spain. Journal of Vertebrate Biology, 73(23102), 23102-1.
Neveceralova, P., Carroll, E. L., Steel, D., Vermeulen, E., Elwen, S., Zidek, J., Stafford, J. K., Chivell, W., & Hulva, P. (2022). Population changes in a whale breeding ground revealed by citizen science noninvasive genetics. Global Ecology and Conservation, 37, e02141.
Carroll, E. L., Ott, P .H., McMillan, L. F., Galletti Vernazzani, B., Neveceralova, P., Vermeulen, E., Gaggiotti, O. E., Andriolo, A., Baker, C. S., Bamford, C., Best, P., Cabrera, E., Calderan, S., Chirife, A., Fewster, R. M., Flores, P. A. C., Frasier, T., Freitas, T. R. O., Groch, K., Hulva, P., Kennedy, A., Leaper, R., Leslie, M. S., Moore, M., Oliveira, L., Seger, J., Stepien, E. N., Valenzuela, L. O., Zerbini, A., & Jackson, J. A. (2020). Genetic diversity and connectivity of southern right whales (Eubalaena australis) found in the Brazil and Chile–Peru wintering grounds and the South Georgia (Islas Georgias del Sur) feeding ground. Journal of Heredity, 111(3), 263–276.
van den Berg, G.L., Vermeulen, E., Valenzuela, L.O., Bérubé, M., Ganswindt, A., Gröcke, D.R., Hall, G., Hulva, P., Neveceralova, P., Palsbøll, P.J., & Carroll, E.L. 2021. Decadal shift in foraging strategy of a migratory southern ocean predator. Global Change Biology 27 (5), 1052–1067.
Derville, S., Torres, L. G., Newsome, S. D., Somes, C. J., Valenzuela, L. O., Vander Zanden, H. B., Baker, C. S., Bérubé, M., Busquets-Vass, G., Carlyon, K., Childerhouse, S. J., Constantine, R., Dunshea, G., Flores, P. A. C., Goldsworthy, S. D., Graham, B., Groch, K., Gröcke, D.R., Harcourt, R., Hindell, M. A., Hulva, P., Jackson, J. A., Kennedy, A. S., Lundquist, D., Mackay, A. I., Neveceralova, P., Oliveira, L., Ott, P. H., Palsbøll, P. J., Patenaude, N. J., Rowntree, V., Sironi, M., Vermeulen, E., Watson, M., Zerbini, A. N., & Carroll, E.L. (2023). Long-term stability in the circumpolar foraging range of a Southern Ocean predator between the eras of whaling and rapid climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(10), e2214035120.
Felcmanova, K., Neveceralova, P., Sychrova, H., & Zimmermannova, O. (2017). Yeast Kch1 and Kch2 membrane proteins play a pleiotropic role in membrane potential establishment and monovalent cation homeostasis regulation. FEMS yeast research, 17(5).